Bell of Lost Souls. You know the place. You've probably been on one side or another of one of their myraid of arguments. The site, as far as I can tell, is a group of players from Texas and their views and thoughts on the world of Warhammer. It's certainly THEIR view and I won't fault them for it. However as late there has been a great debate being waged. The schism between "counts as" and "proxy".
An argument, which one of the head writers defended in his own editorial (linked below) AND FAILED MISERABLY AT.
Review: Gloomspite Gitz Snarlboss on War-wheela & Doom Diver Catapult
The mad-capped, mildewed maniacs of the Gitmobs are back. Following the
Gitmob army set, the kits and the Gloomspite Gitz battletome are now being
2 days ago