A problem is popping up in Fantasy, now that we are 2 months in to the new edition. That being the enthusiasm that was drawing new players to the hobby is driving those new players away. Let me explain: New players, for those of you who might not know, usually don't know how to play the game. If they did, they wouldn't be new players. The vets of this game, on the other hand, are getting a little carried away with the new 'relaxing' of army composition. And creating some decidedly terrible lists, just because they can. I don't mean terrible in the 'why would you show up with that?' sense, I mean terrible in the 'Mwa ha ha ha! I can take 3 grudge throwers, 3 cannons, 6 bolt throwers, 2 organ guns and have great weapons on all my units!'.
Now, before you neck feathers get all poofy, let me clarify something. There is nothing wrong with playing something like the above... as long as the other guy knows what's going on. But springing something like that against a guy playing his first or second game? Seriously? What's wrong with you?